CAMs Cycling Accident Management


Have you had an accident on your bike that wasn't your fault, resulting in injury or damage to yourself or your e-bike?

Here at Ebike Republic, we are proud partners of CAMs Cycling Accident Management, a fantastic organisation dedicated to getting you back on two wheels should you have an accident on your bike which wasn't your fault. Their services are free of charge and will claim all costs from the party at fault, be it a driver, the local council, etc. 

Read on to find out exactly how CAMS can help you: 

Welcome to CAMs Cycling Accident Management, where we are dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of cyclists on the road. As avid cyclists, we understand the thrill and freedom of riding a bike, but we also recognise the inherent risks involved. That's why we've made it our mission to provide comprehensive support and guidance to cyclists involved in accidents.

Our Services:

  1. Legal Representation: Our team of experienced solicitors specialises in cycling accident cases. We provide expert legal representation to cyclists who have been injured due to others' negligence. Whether you were hit by a car, involved in a collision with another cyclist, or suffered an injury due to poorly maintained roads, we are here to help. We will fight tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries, medical expenses, and other damages.
  2. Insurance Claims Assistance: Dealing with insurance companies can be overwhelming, especially when recovering from an injury. Our knowledgeable team will assist you with every step of the insurance claims process, from filing paperwork to negotiating with insurance adjusters. We'll work to maximise your claim and fully compensate you for your losses.
  3. Medical Referrals: Your health and well-being are our top priorities. If you've been injured in a cycling accident, we can provide referrals to trusted medical professionals who specialise in treating cycling-related injuries. From orthopaedic surgeons to physical therapists, we'll connect you with the care you need to recover and return to your bike.
  4. Bike Repair and Replacement: If your bike was damaged in an accident, we can help facilitate repairs or replacement through our network of trusted bike shops and manufacturers. We understand how important your bike is to you, and we'll work to ensure it's restored to its pre-accident condition as quickly as possible.
  5. Educational Resources: Prevention is critical to controlling cycling accidents. That's why we offer a variety of educational resources to help cyclists stay safe on the road. From tips on defensive cycling to information on local cycling laws and regulations, we're here to empower cyclists with the knowledge they need to ride confidently and responsibly.

Why Choose CAMs Cycling Accident Management?

  • Experience: With years of experience handling cycling accident cases, we have the knowledge and expertise to achieve successful client outcomes.
  • Compassion: We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll a cycling accident can take. That's why we approach each case with empathy, compassion, and a commitment to supporting our clients every step of the way.
  • Results-Driven: Our track record speaks for itself. We have successfully recovered millions of pounds in compensation for injured cyclists, helping them rebuild their lives and move forward after an accident.

At CAMs Cycling Accident Management, we're passionate about promoting cycling safety and protecting cyclists' rights. If you've been injured in a cycling accident, don't hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. We're here to fight for you.


CAMS are the cycling wing of an accident management company that has been in business for 25 years. They have helped recover losses for thousands of vulnerable road users. They are specialists in road traffic accidents and have investigators and solicitors waiting to work for you.​

There is no catch. When you are the victim of an accident that wasn’t your fault, insurance companies legally have to pay out. But it’s up to you to take the first step and request what is rightfully yours.

CAMS differentiates itself by replacing or repairing your bike upfront through your local bike shop. This means you don’t have to wait months for the insurance company to pay out; CAMS will often cover the repair and replacement within a few days.

To help you, we have put together a service where we handle all the main tasks for you, including:

  • Collecting your bike
  • Repairing or replacing your e-bike to its standard before the accident happened
  • Preparing an accident report
  • Having a solicitor represent your interests and deal with the insurance company

Our service takes care of all your needs. Firstly, we put you in contact with a professional legal advisor. If you decide to proceed, we will collect your bike if needed. We will then prepare an accident report. Once we get the go-ahead, repairs or replacements will be undertaken.

To use this service, call or email us with details of your circumstances.
01663 897 307

Ebike Republic and CAMS will work together to repair or replace your bicycle. CAMS will recover your losses for anything you’ve lost out on due to the accident; this is not limited to a replacement bike but could also include compensation for injuries sustained, loss of earnings, and even cycling accessories damaged, such as personal belongings, helmets and clothing. All as quickly as possible and stress-free.

No, they work on a no-win, no-fee basis. They win nearly all of their cases, and when they do, their solicitors take their commission as part of your injury compensation. You get all other compensation, like clothing, personal belongings, and loss of earnings, in full.